Monday 5 September 2011

Day #4: The Bayou

We started of the day with a swamp tour from Ryan and Guy at Au Champagne Swamp Tours. Saw a bunch of Blue Herons, Skanks, Flying Ribeyes, Cormorants, a Bald Eagle, turtles, gators and a crazy ass spider. Biggest gator we saw was a 8 footer from about 15 yards away.

Also, we have empirical proof that my ass is getting fat. On the swamp boat I leaned back and broke the chair thereby precariously pinning myself in a half crab half prone position. And they laughed, and they laughed...

Also, note to anyone who's going to be travelling through New Iberia LA on Labour Day, if you're trying to find a place to eat you have many options, as long as its Popeyes. The place where the have two drink sizes: Large and a GALLON. Just an fyi.

We hit a beach to take a bit of a break. The sun and fresh air were a welcome channge from the freon laced fumes we had been breathing in for the majority of the trip. Seb proved his masculinity by finding a water snake in the rocks but then promptly traded it in for a healthy dose of estrogen when he started whining about an ant that bit his foot.

We then headed for White Castle LA in hopes of finding a White Castle yet all we found out was that WHITE Castle LA (the city) was indeed grossly misnamed and a slightly more accurate name might be "Not a single WHITE person lives here CASTLE". All was good though, after dLo filled up our gas tank, while getting eye-assulted by 8 classy and contributing members to society, we were on our way to Baton Rouge.

As we pulled in to the parking lot of Chimes Restaurant just off LSU campus Jeb spotted a pair of freshmen girls decked out in Purple and Gold and loudly proclaimed "4G service and white people, I'm in heaven." Some blackened gator, boudin balls, 5 Po' Boys, 2 pitchers of beer and another round of white chocolate bread putting later we were all ready to pass into a deep cajun food induced comatose state. Although Seb looked like he had just reached his second trimester and wanted to pass out right then and there.

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