Friday 2 September 2011

Day #1: Landing in Dallas

Well the trip to Dallas was largely uneventful, not much sleep on the plane either so we were pretty desperate for food by the time we landed.

The plan was to head to The Libertine Bar for a pulled pork sandwich but that got delayed by my pure genius of booking a car rental at DFW airport when we actually landed at Lovefield. Dumbass move #1 by Weber. Well done.

So after getting the car and into 110F heat (44C) we set off for some food. The Libertine ended up being closed so we headed over to The Twisted Root Burger Co. And now my dumb BB won't upload my pics. I'll have to try again later.

After those delish burgers drove around a bunch of shady dealers looking for a hoopty but sadly we weren't able to find anything around the $1500 range if we wanted four wheels, A/C and for it to actually start.

For dinner we hit up Jamaica Gates Caribbean Cuisine. Food was amazing (again, pics to come later) and I'll let Seb go into more detail.

Seb here, oh my god 110 degrees of ass shweasting heat! Food is frickin unbelievable. Caribbean Gate jerk chicken best described as amazing. Should of brought my buffet pants. Live music, I tthink Jay-Z is in the corner. Oh and we just spotted another Asian! Lol There must be something in the food because all the girls have double D-licious features. Just drove through Arlington TX home of the bowling museum and hall of fame! Wtf?! Lol

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